High Finance and its many faces. Interview with Marco Russo, financial genius

High finance, a unique power that is manifested through a thousand different faces, a power that lies in the eyes of people because it has no interest to show up. In what way is this power?

What is the point of democracy if all the wealth is in the hands of a few people?

While the citizens of the world are struggling with the tough sacrifices imposed by ‘ “austerity” , with rising unemployment and a growing fiscal pressure, high international finance has continued to produce huge dividends, setting a record after another: just mention the case of Wall Street, which in 2011 distributed to financial and credit companies the highest total of all-time, $ 60 billion in profits. According to Snl Financial, an American analyst firm, the average income of the bankers has increased by 22 percent, and even in this case have been achieved personal big records: John Stumpf, for example, CEO of Wells Fargo, is top of the leaderboard with $ 23 million gain, a nice improvement over the $12 million he received in 2007.

Money, as a medium of exchange, it has become a weapon of mass destruction?

The owners of the largest BANKS, those who play with the lives of the wretched, and the masses. This is the recipe that the U.S. has imposed great financiers worldwide finance banks with the money of the citizens, so that they will continue to develop their own speculations, since, as we all know, even the enormous sums that the BCE has pumped into the European banking system, nothing has come to small and medium-sized enterprises, to families, to the third sector – the real economy that would provide an honest living for millions of European citizens..

What can you tell us the name Rothschild ?

It’s the name of big bankers, they are the largest owners of the Bank of Italy and, to give just a few examples, have the Barclays ( one of the largest shareholders of Intesa Sanpaolo), especially by Markus Agius, the JPMorgan (which controls Monte dei Paschi di Siena) by the Rockefeller family, Mediobanca (the one that controls Unicredit) by Vincent Bolloré and Jean Azema of Groupama Holding SA, Banca Carige (by Francois Perol), with Ana Patricia Botin Banco Santander Central Hispano (which controls ABN AMRO, another pillar of Unicredit). The Rothschilds control Yahoo through Barclays, the 5 major shareholders of Yahoo in the order they are: Capital Research & Management CO (Los Angeles), Legg Mason Inc (Baltimore), Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings LTD (London), Vanguard Group Inc (Valley Forge) and Barclays Global Investors (San Francisco).

I could go on like this for hours but I think that these few reports are more than sufficient.

According to the investigation we can see that the biggest international political belong to high finance. Why ?

Example very sample, our political, Matteo Renzi, president of the council of ministers, led by a totally great financier Carlo De Benedetti, linked in turn to the family that Rothschild.

What is the new world economic order?

A group of oligarchic power and secret, controls any State organization worldwide, in order to capture the economic, political and social all over the globe.

The intelligence agencies, for example, have always used addictive drugs as a weapon against the masses to carry out their long-term plan for a one world government, one world police force for which it has been designated NATO and a population implanted with microchips, known as the New World Order.

The international drug trafficking is related in some way to high finance and spy agencies?

Absolutely yes.

1. Tibor Rosenbaum, a MOSSAD agent and head of the Banque du Credit International, based in Geneva. This bank was the forerunner to the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) which is one of the major banks to wash drug money espionage.

2. Robert Vesco, sponsored by the Swiss branch of the Rothschilds and the American connection to the Medellin drug cartel in Colombia.

3. Henry Keswick, chairman of Jardine Matheson which is one of the largest drug trafficking operations in the world. His brother John Keswick is chairman of the Bank of England.

4. Martin Wakefield Jacomb, director of the Bank of England from 1987 to 1995, Barclays Bank Deputy Chairman in 1985, Telegraph newspapers director in 1986 (this is the reason why this can of worms does not end in the mass media). People are perpetrating these crimes control most of the media. In America, the former CIA director William Casey was head of the board of directors of the ABC network. Many insiders refer to ABC as “the CIA network ”

5. George Bush Senior, former President and former head of the CIA and the U.S. leading drug baron who has faced more wars on drugs than any other president. Which in reality is just a method to eliminate competition. You could write an entire book on George Bush’s involvement in the global drug trade, but it is well covered in the book “Dark Alliance” by investigative journalist Gary Webb.Gary was found dead with two gunshot wounds in the back of head. The case was declared a ” suicide”.

I would stop here …

Lately died several famous bachers (13 in 3 months) to unknown causes. Why do you think? What happens in that environment?

It has become a risky job. There are also random circumstances. I do not want to get into this change argument.

Power of parties and power of finance. These are the forces that dominate the economy and Western policy. In which way, What they have in common?

The billions of dollars with which banks were rescued by all Western governments, following the principle of “too big to fail” have allowed international high finance to proceed undisturbed in their strategies for the creation and distribution of debt, strangling the real economy through restrictive policies of states and favoring the accumulation of wealth to those who own capital and liquidity. This was made possible by increasingly inextricable interweaving of power between political parties and power of finance, well described recently by the American economist James Kwak, who writes: “The deregulation of finance has gained acclaim in Washington because the interests of large companies dominated the Republican Party, while the Democrats did not want to disturb Wall Street does not preclude full funding. The bankers and real estate agents wanted to sell homes at all costs. Lobbyists had already powerful hooks in the government. And everyone was happy with the growth.”

Investing in such bonds is convenient today?

They are the emergent states where it has created a stable political as

South Africa, Brazil, China, India, Argentina, Russia

You travel a lot for work, in your opinion which country more resilient from a financial point of view?

I would say Anglo-Saxon countries.

What do you think about the Brics ?

An exclusive factor which unites Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is the tendency to use the mutual complementarity of national economies in order to accelerate the development of the countries participating in the alliance. Currently acting in total more than 20 formats of cooperation within the BRICS, the Summits of Heads of State at the sector al working groups for information security, agriculture, health and science and technology.

To this end, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are establishing their own Development Bank’s financing of infrastructure projects of high profile. The Intergovernmental Agreement on the establishment of the Development Bank of the BRICS is ready to 90%

Someone call you the devil of finance? Would you like to replicate?

I’m not used to leave around business compromises!

Yulia Shesternikova